“One of the biggest problems for people managing RA is that the source of their symptoms is generally invisible to others,” says Paul Sufka, MD, a rheumatologist with HealthPartners in Saint Paul. “It often takes a trained examiner to note the joint swelling associated with RA, and the pain and other symptoms, such as fatigue, or side effects of medications, such as nausea, are completely invisible.” RA symptoms can also be isolating. You might stay home from events because of the pain, and you might even feel alienated when people make well-meaning comments. People often try to commiserate with those who have RA by lamenting their own knee or back pain, not realizing that RA is actually a systemic condition, says Dr. Sufka. Social media can help by connecting people with RA to others who are living with the condition, as well as organizations that share the latest tips and advice. “Connecting with others,” says Sufka, “is a great way for people with RA to better understand their condition and get tips regarding management.” Of course, as with social media generally, you can’t believe everything you read. “Unfortunately, not everyone is an expert on their condition,” Sufka says, “so it’s easy to come across inaccurate information.” Follow these accounts for information and inspiration on living with RA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rheumatology Twitter: @ACRheum Instagram: @acrheum Website: https://www.rheumatology.org/
Arthritis Foundation
This nonprofit organization shares inspiring patient stories, helpful tips, and ways to advocate for people with all types of arthritis, including RA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arthritis.org/ Twitter: @ArthritisFdn Instagram: @arthritisfoundation Website: https://www.arthritis.org/
Follow along on an uplifting journey with this man who has RA; he started his blog and foundation to help people cope with loneliness, depression, and anxiety related to RA symptoms. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheumatoidArthritisGuyFanPage Twitter: @RA_Guy Instagram: @rheumatoidarthritisguy Blog: http://www.rheumatoidarthritisguy.com/blog/
This online community of people with arthritis was cofounded by an arthritis patient himself. Much of the content, says Sufka, is created by patients for patients. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creakyjoints Twitter: @CreakyJoints Instagram: @Creaky_Joints Website: http://creakyjoints.org/
Taking the Long Way Home
Wendy is an avid runner who was diagnosed with RA last year. Follow along; her positivity is infectious. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/takingoldrunningmomhome/ Twitter: @oldrunningmom Instagram: @wendyistakingthelongwayhome Blog: http://www.takinglongwayhome.com/